Thursday, August 30, 2018



Kadek Cahya Dewi(1*), Putu Indah Ciptayani(2), Herman Dwi Surjono(3),
(1) Business Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali
(2) Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali
(3) Department Of IT Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
(4) Electronics and Informatics Department, Universitas Negeri
Abstract: Polytechnic has characteristic which prioritizes the application of
practical aspects supported by appropriate theory. Blended learning can be applied
in Polytechnic, but a scheme is needed to formulate the correct instructional model.
The study objectives were to examine the type of instructional model on blended
learning that suits with Polytechnic. The research was conducted by qualitative
descriptive approach by Miles and Huberman through observation, in-depth
interview, Focus Group Discussion and literature review. The research validity was
done by transferability, confirmability, credibility and dependability test. It can be
concluded that the instructional model is appropriately determined by the suitability
of educational model, technique and method of learning, and also facilities and
infrastructure readiness. The instructional model on Blended Learning in
Polytechnic is the Rotation Instructional Model. The study had implications on the
learning process in Polytechnic. The lecturers could use the schema to determine
the suit instructional model for their courses.
Keywords: Instructional Model, Blended Learning, Polytechnic, Vocational
Abstrak: Politeknik memiliki ciri khas pendidikan yang mengutamakan penerapan
aspek-aspek praktis yang didukung oleh teori yang tepat. Blended learning dapat
diterapkan di Politeknik, namun diperlukan sebuah skema untuk merumuskan
instructional model yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengkaji jenis
instructional model pada Blended Learning yang sesuai dengan karakteristik
pendidikan Politeknik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif
model Miles dan Huberman, teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara,
Focus Group Discussion dan kajian pustaka. Keabsahan data dengan uji
transferability, confirmability, credibility dan dependability. Penelitian
menyimpulkan bahwa instructional model yang tepat ditentukan dengan
mempertimbangkan kesesuaian antara model pendidikan yang diselenggarakan,
teknik dan metode pembelajaran mata kuliah, serta ketersediaan sarana dan
prasarana pembelajaran. Sesuai dengan pertimbangan tersebut maka instructional
model pada Blended Learning di Politeknik adalah Rotation Instructional Model.
Implikasi penelitian terjadi pada proses pembelajaran di Politeknik. Para dosen
dapat memanfaatkan instructional model skema untuk menentukan instructional
model yang tepat untuk mata kuliah yang diampu.
Kata Kunci: Instructional Model, Blended Learning, Politeknik, Vokasi

Based on National Education System as
stated in Indonesia Law no. 20 of 2003 and
further reinforced by Indonesia Law no. 12
Year 2012 on Higher Education,
Polytechnic is a vocational higher
education who can conduct a Diploma
education. The different characteristics and
orientations between vocational and
academic education required the design of
different learning processes and curricula.
In vocational/polytechnic education,
learning was conducted with a small
numbers learners with average 28 students
in a class. Therefore the addition of students
number should be followed by the addition
of learning facilities and infrastructure that
would support their skill. It made the
learning process was inefficient. As
presented by Finch and Crunkilton, that the
ultimate success of vocational education
was not only measured by learning
achievement, but also on performance that
was in line with the real world of work
(Finch, 1999). Abie stated that vocational
education graduates must have relevant
skills supported by the foundations of
science, service motives, and able to apply
their abilities in various variations of
circumstances, and have ethics, morals and
values (Abie, 2014).
In line with Abie's opinion, the
successful implementation of vocational
education was largely determined by
students, educators, curriculum and
learning support facilities. In vocational
education the design of the curriculum
should concerned in the composition
between practice and supporting theories
appropriately. In vocational education the
composition of the practice was more
dominant than the theory. Haider argued
that there was a difference between theory
and practice so that curriculum preparation
is not enough done by educators who only
had teaching experience but should involve
practitioners who are believed to be very
aware of the conditions that exist in the
working world (Haider, 2016). To meet the
needs of the technical personnel of the
community, the curriculum must be tailored
to the needs of the students.
The overall quality of the
educational process was not only depending
on the quality of the curriculum, but also on
the ability to realize it. The main factor that
affecting the quality of the curriculum is the
basic elements in the implementation
process. The main implementation
elements are: (a) adequate conditions; (b)
the ability of teachers to convey the
objectives and expected outcomes of the
curriculum; (c) inform the curriculum
structure and its role in the teaching
process; (d) preparation of relevant learning
materials; (e) ability in managing the
learning implementation process; (f)
monitoring and evaluation of instructional
process realization; and (g) connect with
companies and other social partners.
Vocational Curriculum
Development Guidance Manual from the
Directorate General of Learning and
Student Affairs, Ministry of Research,
Technology, and Higher Education
(KEMENRISTEKDIKTI) stated that stated
that for implementing the curriculum in
order to fit the expected curriculum
documents, every course should complete
with Semester Learning Plan (SLP)
documents. SLP is a learning process plan
that was prepared for learning activities in
one semester to meet the learning
achievements that charged to the course. On
the implementation, the learning process
should refer to the SLP that has been made
including when conducted by online
learning. SLP should contain the identity of
the course, the learning achievement, the
expected ability, the study materials, the
method, the provided time, the student
learning experience, the assessment, and
the references. In line with the principles
and content of the learning plan, the
effectiveness of the learning process was
also concerned. The effectiveness of the
learning method was become one of the
critical success factors.
Along with the rapid utilization of
ICT in learning process, there was a new
concept of learning method. Currently the
learning method was not only done
conventionally face-to-face but also can be
done online and can even be done by
combining between face-to-face learning
and online known as Blended learning
(Hybrid learning) (Ghirardini, 2011).
Blended learning is one of the learning
methods that can be applied in higher
education to improve the quality of
learning. Yagci stated that learning
supported by online learning methods could
have a positive effect on increasing student
motivation, and therefore have a positive
effect on academic success (Yagci, 2016).
Blended learning is well suited for
encouraging collaborative and constructive
learning that is strongly emphasized in
today's learning styles (Wong, Hamzah,
Goh, & Yeop, 2016). In Indonesia some
universities have already implemented elearning
and the students responded
positively to the e-learning (Herayanti,
Fuadunnazmi, & Habibi, 2017; Divayana,
2017). While the utilization of ICT in
vocational education had not been done
optimally, it was still limited to utilization
in theory learning course.
Implementation of blended learning
in the learning process are found varies
according to the discipline being taught,
student characteristics and learning
outcomes, and has a student-centered
approach to learning design (Saliba,
Rankine, & Cortez, 2013). There are four
models that are generally implemented in
blended learning namely Rotation model,
Flex model, A La Carte model, and
Enriched Virtual model (Brooke, 2015).
The four models in their implementation
must adapt to the technology used, time,
instructional learning, and effectiveness in
improving student skills.
Based on the description, the
research question was how the schema to
formulate instructional model on blended
learning in Polytechnic. Then the study
objectives was to examine the instructional
model on blended learning that was suitable
to be implemented in the learning process
in accordance with the characteristics of
vocational education. The research was the
beginning research of Modelling
Vocational Blended Learning in
The research was a fenomenology
qualitative research. The research was
conducted by qualitative descriptive
approach. The subject of research was
Polytechnic civitas academica, while the
object of research was instructional model
on blended learning in polytechnic as
delivered by Brooke. The research was held
from March until August 2017 by
observing the learning process at one of the
Polytechnic in Indonesia. The technique of
data collection was done by observation, indept
interview, Focus Group Discussion
(FGD) and literature review. Respondents
at the interview stage were Assistant
Director of Academic Affairs, 6 persons of
Head of Departments, and 13 persons of
Head of Study Program. Respondents at the
FGD stage were 45 people that were
consisting of Assistant Director of
Academic Affairs, the Heads of
Department, the Heads of Study Programs
and also the lecturers. The key informants
were Assistant Director of Academic
Affairs and the Heads of Study Program.
The literature review was conducted on the
Indonesian government's policy on
Polytechnic and previous research relevant
to the instructional model on learning
through blended learning.
The variables studied in this study
include four aspects of instructional model
blended learning that consisting of Rotation
model, Flex model, A La Carte model, and
Enriched Virtual model. The data analysis
used was descriptive qualitative analysis as
delivered by Miles and Huberman. The
analysis yield description about
instructional model from the relevant
blended learning as an effective model in
achieving the learning objectives in
polytechnic. As Miles and Huberman
qualitative analysis, the research divided
into three activites namely data reduction,
data display and conclusion. The research
started from studying the problems of
education in Indonesia until formulated
instructional model which is appropriately
applied to polytechnic higher education.
The steps taken in this research namely:
1. Study of education problem in
2. Study of vocational education
3. Study of ICT utilization in
vocational education
4. Study of Instructional Model on
Blended Learning in Polytechnic
5. Formulation of instructional model
determination scheme that
described in Discussion part of this
The research validity was done by
transferability, confirmability, credibility
test and also dependability test. The
credibility test was conducted by
triangulation model that assesed the data
with some different technics such as
observation, in-dept interview, and also
FGD. The dependability test was done by
audit from the experts.
Research design with the framework as shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1. Research Framework
Education Problem in Indonesia
Based on interview with Assistant Director
of Academic Affairs, it was found that the
meaning of globalization implies the
integration of national life into global life.
When linked in the field of education,
globalization of education means the
integration of national education into world
education. The problem of globalization in
education concerns to the output of
education. In today's global era, the
superiority of a country is no longer
measured by comparative advantage that
focuses on the potential of natural
resources, but on the competitive advantage
that is based on the possession of qualified
human resources (HR). Based on the report
of The Global Competitiveness Index 2017-
2018 released by World Economic Forum,
Indonesia is ranked 36 out of 137 countries,
while for the competitiveness of higher
education is still ranked 64th.
In building quality human resources
as a competitive advantage, the role of
education becomes very important. It needs
to make changes in the paradigm of
Education problem in
Lack of competencies with
market need
Vocational education
To produce graduates
equipped with professional
skills, language skills and
intercultural skills
Utilization of ICT in
learning process
Instructional Model
on Blended Learning
in Polytechnic
Formulation of
instructional model
education as to provide significant changes
in the pattern of learning that can empower
the learners to be more independent. An
appropriate learning strategy developed
today is student centered learning (SCL) by
adopting the development of IT in learning
(ICT). Utilization of ICT is able to create
various learning media that is effective in
transfer knowledge. In line with Suyanto's
opinion that learning is no longer using a
single media, takes place in isolation,
teacher-student interaction in the form of
information and teaching based on factual
or knowledge (Suyanto, 2006).
Another problem faced by higher
education in Indonesia, especially in
vocational education is the low quality of
graduates. This was found when
interviewing the heads of departments and
the heads of the study program. They got
input from the external stakeholders like
industry or graduate users. There were
several factors of that problem, among
others: unclear learning outcome,
organizational issues, transparency and
accountability, the design of learning in the
form of curriculum documents that are not
in line with the needs of industry, low
ability and skills of academic and nonacademic
human resources, low quantity
and quality of learning facilities and
infrastructure. It was very worrying,
because the graduates of vocational
colleges that was expected to meet the
needs of skilled workers for the industry
was not achieved as expected. Actually, the
graduates of vocational education
contributed the increase of educated
unemployment rate in Indonesia.
According to the Institute for Policy
Research and Development study
Indonesian Education Region V (2017), the
availability of facilities and infrastructure
of adequate learning facilities as a key
element in realizing the quality of higher
education. Beside that Kartikasari’s
research also described that learning
facilities and infrastructure as physical
evidence was one of the main factors in the
selection of universities (Kartikasari,
Sinarti, Hidayat, & Irsutami, 2014). From
the results of the study with the limited
facilities owned by vocational colleges, it
required the innovation in the learning
process in order to run effectively and
efficiently. One alternative that can be
taken into consideration is by designing
ICT-based learning process. As mentioned
by Yagci, that online learning methods
could have a positive effect on increasing
student motivation, and therefore have a
positive effect on academic success (Yagci,
Vocational Education Paradigm
Based on literature review, it was found in
the explanation of pasal 16 ayat 1 Indonesia
Law No.12 of 2012 about Higher Education
that vocational education was education
that prepares students to have skills and
high work ability. Vocational education
curriculum was prepared jointly with the
professional community and professional
organizations that are responsible for the
quality of service in order to qualify
profession professional competence.
Vocational education had included
professional education. The paradigm of
vocational education was to encourage
human development comprehensively by
building human resources that have a
balance between skill and professionalism.
Graduates of vocational education were
expected to have a balanced ability between
soft skill and hard skill.
Respondents (Assistant Director of
Academic Affairs and the heads of the
study program) also said that currently
vocational higher education is required to
be able to produce internationally qualified
graduates equipped with professional skills,
language skills and intercultural skills. The
vocational college should also be able to
contribute to the development of graduates
who are competent, critical and solutive in
dealing with Asean Economic Community
(AEC) 2015. The challenges faced today in
the development of vocational higher
education is concerned with efforts to equip
graduates with skills in accordance with the
needs of the business world and industry,
among others: leadership competencies,
digital literacy, communication skill,
emotional intelligence, entrepreneurship,
global citizenship, problem solving, and
teamwork. In line with Pearson study
(Finch, 1999) as quoted by, education era nowadays is
no longer just 3Rs (Reading, wRiting, and
aRithmetic), but must also involve new
skills that are needed by the working world
today. Slamet’s research also found that
vocational education can play a key role in
economic development if its alignment with
the world of work around it is sought
continuously, both in terms of quantity,
quality, location, and time.
Vocational education would also
play a role in economic development if it is
able to integrate its programs with the
existence of regulation, policy, planning,
and government budgeting in the era of
regional autonomy (Slamet, 2011). For
Indonesia, the role of vocational education
was enormous in promoting more advanced
economic growth. The responsibilities of
higher education institutions were needed
in designing innovative learning process.
Based on the guidance of curriculum
preparation for vocational education in
2016, the characteristic of vocational higher
education was to have profession-oriented
and working world oriented graduates
profile. The curriculum was designed for
learning outcomes, among others graduates
that have a standardized professional
attitude, practical knowledge, special skills
with working world oriented and had
general skills in responsibility and could
following the standard operational
procedures. Therefore, the vocational
education curriculum in its implementation
should consider appropriate methods,
strategies and learning models.
Vocational learning paradigm
changed in the current era demand, it
needed changes in teaching methods that
follow the industry trend change,
information systems, quality of education
and learners which have a significant
relationship with the pedagogical methods
and the needs of the workforce. Assistant
Director of Academic Affairs said that
nowadays the methods of teaching in
vocational education generally was the
learners are taught the theory in the
classroom and apply them in practice tasks.
Supposedly the relevant methods was
developed so that learners were able to
collect, select, filter, assimilate information
in a creative and able to inspire the students
to develop skills and to teach students to
learn actively and effectively. With limited
facilities vocational colleges were required
to make improvements to the design and
learning process with various alternatives
that can answer the demands of the current
education paradigm.
According to Kirby Yang, the
innovative development of pedagogy and
vocational education curriculum in the
knowledge-based economy era is aimed at
producing the following human resources:
(1) creative, innovative, and management
skills, (2) having initiative, and able to work
independently as a team member, (3) have
adaptive and integrative resourceful talents
(resources) to meet the needs of technology
development (Rau, 2006). According to
Hopkin's research results, there are four
components in effective vocational
education teaching, namely teaching
relationships (the relationship of teachers
and learners), teaching models, teaching
skills and teacher reflection (Hopkins,
2007). The synergy of these four
components was believed to be able to
support the creation of effective teaching.
In the context of teaching models,
vocational education was very relevant in
organizing Role-Play & Simulation,
Cooperative Learning (CL), Collaborative
Learning, Contextual Instruction (CI),
Project Based Learning and Problem Based
Learning and Inquiry. In addition,
vocational education was also relevant
organized by Small Group Discussion
method, Case Study, and Discovery
Learning (DL). In accordance with the
characteristics of the process of organizing
vocational learning was required
lab/workshop/studio that support the
achievement of work competence.
ICT Utilization in Vocational Education
Referring to the problems encountered in
higher education and the learning paradigm
changes in vocational education, the quality
of the developed learning system must be
able to quickly fix the various weaknesses.
The low quality of education was seen from
the educational process and graduates
provide an illustration of the low quality of
the education system organizing process.
Improving the quality of education process
should be done, one strategy was to change
the conventional learning system with a
more effective and efficient learning system
with the support of adequate facilities and
infrastructure. Learning by utilizing the
means of information technology was one
appropriate alternative and could overcome
various learning problems.
Assistant Director of Academic
Affairs described that learning process of
Polytechnic education was conducted by
face-to-face, structured and independent
learning. Face-to-face learning was done
with direct interaction between lecturers
and students that can be done in classroom,
laboratory, or workshop. Structured
learning was done with the assistance of the
lecturer, and independent learning carried
out independently by the student for the
purpose of enhancing the knowledge of
students to relevant knowledge areas. The
head of study programs also explained that
the current polytechnic learning system was
still characterized Teacher Centered
Learning (TCL), where the learning process
was centered with the teacher. This
condition was not in line with the
government's expectation that the learning
system in higher education refers to
student-based learning system (SCL). The
lecturers on FGD shared their experience in
implementing learning system in
Politechnic, and they stated Polytechnic
learning system should conducted more
portion on face to face learning than online
learning. Therefore, the use of ICT in
learning in polytechnics can be done by
combining face-to-face learning with elearning
approach commonly called
Blended Learning.
According to The Clayton
Christensen Institute, Blended learning was
an instructional methodology that utilizes
technology as a more personalized learning
approach, giving students opportunities to
control time, place of learning, and
encourage student speed in the
development of a wider and integrated
insight. There are four instructional models
that are generally applied in the current
learning process, namely:
1. Rotation model: learning takes
place in a number of different
activities, including whole group
teaching, small group teaching,
peer-to-peer activities, tasks, and
individual work on a computer or
tablet. In the rotation model, there
are several different
implementation settings: (1) Station
rotation; students learn through a
series of classroom activities during
one or more class periods, at least
one of the teaching activities
through technology; (2) Individual
rotation: students learn based on
individual perceptions determined
by lecturers with the help of
technology-based assessment tools.
(3) Lab rotation: students work on
individual and online instructions in
the lab either whole class or in small
groups; (4) flipped classroom:
students receive instruction in the
form of online learning outside the
day of the lecture and the task or
project is done in the classroom
with the guidance of the lecturer.
2. Flex model: instructional materials
and instruction are given online and
the lesson is self-guided. Lecturers
remain in place, while the students
work independently, individually
tailored learning students and
lecturers accompany. This model
provides flexibility in learning, and
lecturers act as mentors.
3. A La Carte model: students receive
certain instructions online.
Lecturers act as online instructors
who are not on campus.
4. Enriched Virtual model: students
are asked to conduct face-to-face
sessions with lecturers, but then
complete their tasks online.
Students may not meet with their
instructors every lecture schedule,
but there are scheduled face-to-face
but unlike the optional lecture
hours. (Staker & Horn, 2017).
Instructional Model on Blended
Learning in Polytechnic
Based on observation and Focus Group
Discussion (FGD), it can be resumed that
the pattern of learning with more dominant
face-to-face was contradictory with the
availability of facilities and infrastructure.
Polytechnic learning contents required the
composition of practice was greater than
the composition of the theory in percentage.
Limitations of classrooms, limitations of
laboratory and workshops including the
availability of equipment have not been
able to provide opportunities for students to
make the learning process ideally.
Limitations were not able to achieve the
target as expected from the learning
achievement. Many constraints faced by
lecturers in transferring knowledge and
skills to learners. So, the effectiveness of
the learning process was still not effective
as expected.
In dealing with field conditions in
real terms, the learning process in the
polytechnic was not designed in accordance
with the schedule of lectures optionally,
especially in the process of implementing
practical and practicum learning. The heads
of department in technology field described
that the implementation of practice and
practicum in lab or workshop was done
with block and semi-block system. This
system divided the class member into group
according to the project to be done.
Block system in polytechnic was
done in practice subject with full time in
certain time span without any theoretical
lecture. It mean that needed more effort in
scheduling. With this block system, there
was a relatively long grace period and
needed more than one teacher, between the
theory given and the practice to be done in
line with the theory that already given. The
workload of lecturers was not ideal in
accordance with national standards of
The head of Electrical Engineering
Study Program described about semi-block
system. In semi-block system, students was
divided into working groups on each
project differently. The disadvantages were
the projects done by each group but they
had not followed the instructional
sequences activity. This weakness affects
the student’s understanding of unstructured
projects in accordance with the actual work
order of practice. This is certainly need a
harder effort from lecturers and students in
making work instructions.
Observing the real condition of the
implementation of learning in polytechnics
currently showed that the implementation
has not been run effectively, several cause
factors were the timing that becomes
ineffective, the limited facilities and
infrastructure caused the process of
learning practices to be unstructured in the
order of the actual process. The process of
implementing the currently applied
learning has not given the guarantee of
independence as a learning system based on
student centered learning. The current
weakness of the polytechnic learning
system still refers to the conventional
learning system, it’s not yet utilizing ICT as
a medium in supporting the effectiveness of
Blended learning class outcomes
were better than the classic class. In
addition, blended learning students were
more active on assignments than regular
classes (Mutaqin, Marethi, & Syamsuri,
2016). The pattern of learning in
polytechnic was still prioritize the process
of face-to-face learning in collaboration
with online learning implementation. In the
polytechnic learning guide, the assessment
component was still consider the level of
student attendance in each meeting.
Assistant Director of Academic Affairs said
that student expected to attend at least 75%
of the total lecture hours in one semester. It
is intended that students have discipline.
Attendance was also the basis of policy
evaluation on the success of student
learning. Polytechnics may dismiss a
student if not complying with the level of
attendance in stages through the provision
of Warning Letters I (WL I), WL II and WL
III were continued with the current
graduation ratings be Passed Trial for
Absent. The research also observed the
Warning Letters history documents.
The research found that the problem
faced by polytechnics in the utilization of
ICT in learning was not in the ability of
lecturers and students in the mastery of
technology. From the interviews conducted
with the lecturers it is known that the
lecturers have not understood how to utilize
blended learning instructional model in
supporting the learning process. It is
necessary to strengthen the ability of
lecturers to utilize ICT and encourage
cultural change to focus more on online
learning system. As known there were four
instructional models that exist in blended
learning, but not entirely applicable to
learning in polytechnic. The choice of
instructional model should consider several
things, such as learning achievement,
instructional media, learning strategies and
Formulation of Instructional Model
Determination Scheme
Based on data findings in step 1 until step
4, some aspects that become consideration
in determining the appropriate instructional
model for a college especially in
polytechnic were the model and the pattern
of higher education, the techniques and
methods of learning on each course, and the
availability of facilities and infrastructure.
The scheme of instructional model
determination can be presented in Figure 2.
Based on the scheme of Figure 2
that is associated with the pattern and
characteristics of learning in polytechnics,
furthermore can be formulated instructional
model on blended learning that can be
applied in the learning process of
vocational education. The study case of
learning at one of Polytechnic in Indonesia
found that the determination of
instructional model is considered to be done
by identifying three aspects as shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Instructional Model
Determination Schema (source: FGD’s
result 2017)
This research part discussed about the
research question based on the reserach
framework in Figure 1. On the first step
about the education problem in Indonesia,
it can be concluded that there were two
main problems which are Indonesia
competitiveness rank that was still need to
be improved and the low quality of
graduates. The second step about
vocational education paradigm, it was
found that vocational education should be
produced skilful graduates that have
working world oriented. But it also found
that the learning process in vocational
education was still categorized as
ineffective and inefficient. Then the third
step study about ICT utilization, the
research found there was blended learning
approach that utilize ICT in vocational
education, and there were many kinds of
instructional model on blended learning
that could be implemented in Polytechnic
learning to improve its learning process was
found on the fourth step.
The discussion section of this paper
then would much discuss about the
formulation of instructional model
determination schema. To determine which
of instructional model that suitable with the
learning course, the reserach formulated the
schema of instructional model
determination that can be seen in Figure 2.
The following described the analysis of
each indicator that became a consideration
in the selection of instructional model in
accordance with the characteristics of
polytechnic education.
First, learning model was still
applied face-to-face approach with a
minimum limit of 80% face-to-face and
20% with electronic media. From the
techniques and methods of learning aspect,
the observation found that with the
implementation of e-learning was not an
obstacle in the utilization of ICT-based
learning. The problem faced is the lack of
knowledge and skills of the teaching staff in
the utilization of ICT as an alternative in
achieving the target of learning effectively
and efficiently. The lack of learning culture
from teachers become a critical point of the
lack of innovative ICT-based learning. It
was a challenge for the research site to
continue encourage faculty to further
improve IT skills. Currently e-learning at
Polytechnic served as a supporting elearning
in the provision of digital teaching
materials for students as a substitute of the
previous textbooks (hand-out) in print.
Rusli and Negara (2017) found that
animation in multimedia interactive
learning gave a positive effect in improving
students’ learning outcomes. Zere at al.
(2016) also found that the use of pictures
and sound that is the typical characteristic
of e-learning, help to make learning more
internalized, which can positively affect
students’ creativity. Creative content has
high impact in the successful of blended
learning. All staffs must be well-prepared in
order to use ICT and produce creative
content. Lalima & Dangwal (2017) stated
that well-trained teacher in using ICT and
develop content in digital form so that it can
be available to students online.
Second, the limitations of learning
facilities, especially in the classroom, as
well as practical tools were still a constraint
in implementing quality learning process.
Block or semi-block system that applied in
practice subject was still not able to answer
requirement of graduate competency
achievement maximally. The current
system requires less than ideal learning
time and requires a greater number of
faculty. So, the learning schedule does not
work properly. Gregory et al. (2012) uses
blended learning resource to prepare the
laboratory preparation (BPORC). BPORC
has been shown to successfully improve the
capacity of second year students to prepare
more effectively for laboratory classes and
have a positive impact on the capacity of
students to achieve desirable learning
outcomes. By using e-learning resource to
prepare laboratory class, students can learn
the theory and identify the problem online,
so the face-to-face and laboratory section
can be done well and more case study can
be solved. For limited resource of
laboratory tools, a use of virtual laboratory
such as used by Ye et al. (2016) can be
considered to implement using blended
learning in research site.
Third, the techniques and methods
of learning in research site were still
designed for the needs of conventional
learning systems with the dominant system
with face-to-face. Conventional learning
patterns such as this do not provide
opportunities for students to be more
flexible in learning. The weakness of this
conventional system makes the learning
system not achievable based on student
(SCL). The use of blended learning system
is highly relevant to the need to produce
graduates to have comprehensive
capabilities. The pattern can combine the
theory of behaviourism, cognitivist and
constructivism to form meaningful
learning. Zere at al. (2016) found that elearning
will enable students to specify
their learning trend with respect to their
own problems and abilities. This
independence in studying and learning is
the effective element in learning that is not
used in regular traditional classes; the ICT
application in e-learning enables learners to
control their learning process. Yagci stated
that learning supported by online learning
methods could have a positive effect on
increasing student motivation, and
therefore have a positive effect on academic
success (Yagci, 2016).
From the aspect of the availability
of facilities and infrastructure and also
network infrastructure, based on the survey
results is considered sufficient in the
implementation of learning systems based
on blended learning. So, the
implementation of blended learning in
research site is very potential to be applied.
The implementation of blended learning
system for reserach site has considerable
benefits in order to overcome the problem
of availability of study space, study time,
and the availability of practice equipment
and practicum which is still not sufficient.
With the compilation of curriculum in each
study program, one of the implementation
requirements of blended learning can be
fulfilled in terms of availability of learning
By looking at the real condition of
the learning process in reserach site, the
instructional model in the appropriate
blended learning is by applying the rotation
model. That’s because of 80% classroom
meeting (face-to-face approach) regulation.
So, rotation model was the suit instructional
model for Polytechnic. There were many
types of instructional model, namely station
model, rotation lab, individual rotation, and
flipped classroom. Station model, rotation
lab, and flipped classroom model can be
applied in Polytechnic. But one sub model
that cannot be applied is individual rotation
model. This is because the system used in
Polytechnic was based on Semester Credit
Units in package form. The students could
not determine the choice of courses to be
taken in one semester. Therefore, the
students could not individually choose their
online learning course.
In theory learning that held in
classroom, students are divided into groups
with different learning tasks. One of these
groups can take advantage of online media
in the development of knowledge. In theory
learning is implicitly embodied in it skills
as a course achievement. With the
implementation of this station model
method, it can give special benefit in
learning achievement with respect to the
development of character and attitude of
independence, special skills, general skills,
and knowledge in accordance with the
demands of the curriculum based on the
Indonesian National Qualification
Framework (KKNI).
The lab rotation model allows
students to rotate in learning on
predetermined schedules. Some students
may study in the lab with the supervision of
the instructor and some learn independently
using the online media on the instruction of
the lecturer who handles the course. The
point in this model is that students still refer
to the concept of face-to-face approach
supported by the use of online learning
media and can run effectively with the
limited facilities owned in the
lab/workshop. Next is the flipped
classroom model, which is an inverted
learning model that lecturers present the
material through online media and use faceto-
face classes to provide an explanation of
the work of the given task or project. So that
lecturers can have more time in facilitation
and provide understanding to students in
more detail for completion of task or
For other instructional models, such
as flex models, A La Carte models, and
Enriched Virtual models are difficult to
apply because they do not fit the learning
characteristics of polytechnics. In flex
models where learning follows the needs of
students and has a very high freedom to
make choices. It is not possible to apply in
polytechnics with educational policies that
have been established in the system and
educational guidelines. A La Carte model
provides learning to online students and
lecturers, where face-to-face learning is a
complement to online learning. Included
also with Enriched Virtual instructional
model that makes the learning process
entirely online. Surely this is not in
accordance with polytechnic education
policy. This is in line with Chou's concept
of conducting research on the most optimal
proportion of face-to-face with e-learning.
The study found that the best proportion for
face-to-face meetings with e-learning is 2:
1, then 1: 1 and the worst is 3: 1 (Chou,
Chuang, & Zheng, 2013).
Based on the analysis of FGD
results and observations it has been found
that the learning pattern based on blended
learning relevant to polytechnic is by
rotation model method. Furthermore, in
implementing this rotation model should be
followed by instructional design of relevant
learning model. Aspects to consider were:
1. Course content and learning unit
analysis, such as subject content,
coverage, relevant topics and
semester credit units;
2. Learner analysis, such as student
education background, age, sex,
employment status;
3. Learning context analysis, such as
what the desired learning
competition should be discussed in
depth in this section;
4. Instructional analysis, such as what
teaching materials are grouped
according to importance, arranging
tasks from easy to difficult;
5. State instructional objectives. This
instructional objective may be
structured on the basis of the results
of the instructional analysis;
6. Construct criterion test items. The
preparation of this test can be based
on the stated instructional
7. Select instructional strategy.
Instructional strategies can be
established based on existing
Based on the study that has been done, there
were three considerations in formulating
the right instructional model for blended
learning. First was the institution learning
model, second was the course’s technique
and method of learning, then third the
institution facilities and infrastructures. In
accordance with these considerations, it can
be concluded the right instructional model
on Blended Learning in Polytechnic is the
Rotation Instructional Model. There was
one type of rotation instructional model that
could not be applied in Polytechnic, it was
Individual Rotation Model. The others type
namely station model, rotation lab,
individual rotation, and flipped classroom
could be applied in Polytechnic. The study
had implications on the learning process in
Polytechnic. The lecturers could use the
schema to determine the instructional
model that suitable on their courses. In
research site, practice courses that held in
laboratories or workshops really
appropriate to apply the lab rotation model
in its application due to the condition of
learning facilities and infrastructures.
Gratitude is dedicated to DRPM DIKTI who
has funded this research and Universitas
Negeri Yogyakarta who are willing to guide us
in the implementation of research, and also
Politeknik Negeri Bali which gives full
permission and support for this research. We
would like to thank the Cakrawala Pendidikan
which provides an opportunity to publish the
results of this research.
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